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North Carolina mom faces drunk driving charge

On Sunday evenings, most moms are home getting their family ready for the week ahead. Every once in a while, though, a mom gets the opportunity to go out for a little while. When this happens, and a mom is able to socialize with friends at one of their favorite spots in North Carolina, it is still a good idea to have a designated driver. After one begins to drink, it can be difficult to determine if one is legally able to drive home or if one is risking a drunk driving charge – or worse.

Recently, a North Carolina wife and mother was out on a Sunday evening. As she was driving, she veered across the center lane and into the other lane of traffic. In doing so, she collided with a vehicle in the other lane. An 18-year-old passenger in the other vehicle was killed in the accident.

North Carolina law enforcement investigated the accident and arrested the woman on charges of drunk driving. It is likely that other charges will also be filed. So far, no other details regarding the investigation have been released. However, the woman's husband has indicated that there are possible mental health concerns that could be a contributing factor.

When one is charged with drunk driving in North Carolina, especially when someone has been injured or killed, he or she will want an experienced defense attorney handling the case. It will be necessary to analyze the available evidence and how this evidence was collected prior to appearing before a North Carolina judge. The fact that one has been charged with drunk driving does not automatically mean that one is guilty of the charge; guilt must be determined by the courts.

Source:, "Families of victim, driver mourn wreck that killed 18-year-old NC Central student", April 11, 2017

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North Carolina mom faces drunk driving charge | Messer Law Firm