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May 2017 Archives

Deadly North Carolina accident leads to drunk driving charge

North Carolina roadways are dangerous. All too often, something happens that results in an accident. Sometimes the accident causes only minor damage, and all parties walk away with no harm done. Other times, someone loses their life.  Many times, accidents can have lasting medical, emotional, financial and legal effects on those involved.

North Carolina couple arrested following traffic stop

Flashing lights are often an indicator that there is a problem. When they are ahead of a driver, it is a warning to watch out and possibly move over. However, when these flashing lights are in the rearview mirror, it is often a warning to pull over so that a North Carolina police officer can address something with the driver.

North Carolina drunk driving: Purpose of the walk-and-turn test

Those who are pulled over by law enforcement officers for suspected impairment will likely be asked to participate in field sobriety tests. There are three standardized tests used in North Carolina, one being the walk-and-turn test. How is this test performed and does is accurately measure impairment?

Under representation could impact your underage drinking case

As a young college student, you undoubtedly want to do your best to find your way in life as you head out on your own, likely for the first time. Because many individuals in your situation want to fit in as best they can, sometimes you may not make the best decisions. Though the majority of these decisions likely do not have lasting or seriously negative impacts, one wrong choice could potentially land you in legal trouble.

Teenager accused of drunk driving after North Carolina crash

It is not always easy to predict how a person will react when faced with a stressful situation, such as a police officer attempting to pull a driver over. For some people, the easy answer is to pull over but others may panic. Unfortunately, a teenager in North Carolina faces multiple charges -- including drunk driving -- after police say that he caused an accident while attempting to elude police.

Spring in North Carolina the season for underage drinking

It's that time of year. Proms are being held, dances are being attended and students across North Carolina are enjoying spring activities. For many students, this season of activity is a whirlwind of fun and friendship. However, for some, it can also be a season of tragedy for those who fall victim to the consequences of underage drinking.

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Asheville, NC 28801

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May 2017 Archives | Asheville, North Carolina, Criminal Defense Blog