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Teenager accused of drunk driving after North Carolina crash

It is not always easy to predict how a person will react when faced with a stressful situation, such as a police officer attempting to pull a driver over. For some people, the easy answer is to pull over but others may panic. Unfortunately, a teenager in North Carolina faces multiple charges -- including drunk driving -- after police say that he caused an accident while attempting to elude police.

Police claim that the state trooper attempted to pull over the 19-year-old male on the interstate, arguing that the vehicle was speeding. However, the trooper claims that the teenager ignored his flashing lights and exited the interstate. It is unclear how fast the the car was going when the trooper attempted to initiate the stop.

However, the car reportedly crashed into an oncoming vehicle at a speed of 90 mph. Reports indicate that the driver lost control of the vehicle before the collision, though the vehicle turned enough to avoid a head-on collision. The teenager's vehicle then struck a tree and fire hydrant. Only minor injuries were reported. The young man now faces multiple charges, including driving while impaired and assault with a deadly weapon.

The accused teenager could face serious consequences if convicted of the charges against him. Because he likely has little experience with the criminal justice system, he may be unaware of how to respond to the charges and ensure lawful treatment as the navigates through the system. As a result, many people in North Carolina accused of drunk driving and other such charges hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to help them make the decisions that will likely have a significant impact on the rest of their lives.

Source:, "Mooresville DWI suspect hits oncoming car at 90 mph, with a remarkable outcome", Joe Marusak, May 4, 2017

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Teenager accused of drunk driving after North Carolina crash | Messer Law Firm