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Drunk Driving Charges Archives

North Carolina deputies face drunk driving charges

No one knows better the dangers and tragic consequences drunk driving may bring than law enforcement officers. North Carolina police make countless arrests and see numerous accidents when drivers get behind the wheel after drinking. This is why it may be difficult to believe when a police officer is charged with DWI. Nevertheless, two deputies were recently arrested in separate incidents and charged with drunk driving.

Drunk driving charges filed after man drives car into house

Underage drinking laws exist because, in most cases, young people may not realize how alcohol affects them. For some who have only been driving legally for a few years, alcohol adds an element of danger they are not ready to handle. One young man in North Carolina has learned this lesson through tragedy and now faces drunk driving charges.

Uniformed North Carolina police woman arrested for drunk driving

County police were patrolling an area of highways just after 5 p.m. one recent evening when an officer reported seeing a car traveling between 80 and 90 mph in a 55 mph zone near a highway construction area. The officer gave pursuit and was able to intercept the car. When the officer approached the car, he says he saw the driver wearing a police uniform. She was apparently a 49-year-old North Carolina State Police officer.

North Carolina woman faces DUI and assault charges

The threat of arrest may cause people to do unexpected things. This may be because they already have convictions on their records or they simply fear what may happen next. The possibility of a drunk driving charge may be especially concerning for a North Carolina driver, and one woman may be facing an uncertain future following a recent arrest.

MADD seeks harsher penalties for drunk driving charges

The opioid crisis has many in North Carolina seeking solutions to all manner of impairment issues. Additionally, some jurisdictions are looking for stricter ways to deal with those who operate motor vehicles while impaired. Drunk driving charges carry increasingly harsher penalties as lawmakers join the fight. Finding solutions to one special cause has one region calling for penalties that are even more severe.

Drunk driving suspected following North Carolina crash

Accidents on interstates happen every day in North Carolina. While some occur because of drivers engaging in illegal activities, many occur due to an unexpected change in road conditions or lack of familiarity with an area. Despite this, it is easy for police officers to assume that an accident was caused by a driver who was under the influence of alcohol, for example. In fact, they believe that a recent crash on an interstate was the result of drunk driving.

Drunk driving charges filed after fatal SUV/ATV accident

A tragic accident can haunt someone for years, especially if he or she feels responsible for the outcome. In some cases, however, someone may feel sorry for what has happened but not be alone in culpability. One North Carolina man has openly expressed his grief for a fatal accident in which he was involved. While he definitely faces drunk driving charges, investigators have not yet filed any charges related to the accident.

North Carolina driver charged with DUI in accident with injuries

The decision to drive a vehicle carries with it a certain responsibility. In addition to one's own actions, the driver is also responsible for his or her passengers as well as others with whom he or she may come in contact. When one decides to operate a vehicle on a North Carolina roadway, one is taking on a great responsibility.

North Carolina accident leads to DWI, felony death charges

The average individual knows that drinking and driving is not a good idea. Yet, every single day, there are individuals who have been drinking that drive along North Carolina roadways. Some of these drivers manage to get where they are going without calling attention to themselves or causing harm to others. However, some of these drivers are not so lucky.

Deadly North Carolina accident leads to drunk driving charge

North Carolina roadways are dangerous. All too often, something happens that results in an accident. Sometimes the accident causes only minor damage, and all parties walk away with no harm done. Other times, someone loses their life.  Many times, accidents can have lasting medical, emotional, financial and legal effects on those involved.

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Drunk Driving Charges Archives | Asheville, North Carolina, Criminal Defense Blog