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July 2017 Archives

Drunk driving charges filed after fatal SUV/ATV accident

A tragic accident can haunt someone for years, especially if he or she feels responsible for the outcome. In some cases, however, someone may feel sorry for what has happened but not be alone in culpability. One North Carolina man has openly expressed his grief for a fatal accident in which he was involved. While he definitely faces drunk driving charges, investigators have not yet filed any charges related to the accident.

North Carolina officer dismissed after illegal search and seizure

Law enforcement agents are under careful scrutiny these days. While most police officers carry out their duties with the intent to protect and serve, others may have different agendas, bringing suspicion on all who wear a badge. A North Carolina police officer was recently fired following accusations that he performed an unlawful search and seizure.

Man faces underage drinking charges after fatal accident

A conviction for drunk driving charges can bring consequences that affect many aspects of a person's life. North Carolina DWI laws have been tightened over the past few years, lowering the number of offenses before one is charged with a felony and raising the severity of penalties for convictions. However, underage drinking charges have always been met with zero tolerance, and combining a charge of this nature with other offenses may create a serious situation for a young driver.

Just because it's a Breathalyzer doesn't mean it's accurate

Most of the dorm rooms and campuses at University of North Carolina, Warren Wilson, South College and other schools in surrounding regions are all but empty as summer breaks continue. Come August, many students will begin moving their things into the homes-away-from-home as they gear up for another post-secondary school year. Along with those arrivals comes a lot of socializing. Along with a lot of socializing typically comes one or more traffic stops on suspicion of drunk driving.

Weapons offenses concern lawmakers considering new bill

Gun owners in North Carolina are not shy about defending their Second Amendment right to bear arms. A bill currently making its way through the state legislature may allow gun owners to bear those arms with even more liberty. Still, there are many who worry about the dangers the bill presents and the potential for an increase in weapons offenses, especially for those who are not familiar with carrying firearms.

Summer roadtrip to North Carolina beach leads to arrest

Road trips are a right of passage for many teenagers. School is out for the summer, and the beach beckons to them. Along with the sun and surf, there are also the parties and socializing that are a part of the enticement. However, in preparing for and then participating in such an adventure, the teenagers will want to be sure to adhere to North Carolina laws regarding teenage drinking and drug possession.

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July 2017 Archives | Asheville, North Carolina, Criminal Defense Blog