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Summer roadtrip to North Carolina beach leads to arrest

Road trips are a right of passage for many teenagers. School is out for the summer, and the beach beckons to them. Along with the sun and surf, there are also the parties and socializing that are a part of the enticement. However, in preparing for and then participating in such an adventure, the teenagers will want to be sure to adhere to North Carolina laws regarding teenage drinking and drug possession.

Recently, a group of teenagers planned a beach trip in celebration of their high school graduation. They loaded their vehicles and headed towards Myrtle Beach. However, they were stopped for speeding in route to their destination.

Officers claim that the 2006 Trailblazer was traveling in excess of 75 mph in a 55 mph speed zone. After seeing the officer's flashing lights, the driver pulled over. Upon approaching the vehicle, officers claim that they smelled marijuana and thus requested assistance from the local sheriff's department. A search of the vehicle apparently revealed an assortment of liquor, beer, marijuana, cocaine drug paraphernalia and cash totaling $3,600. The driver and two occupants of the vehicle were arrested and charged with a variety of drug and alcohol related offenses.

In this case, rather than spending their time enjoying the beach and money on souvenirs, these teenagers will be posting bail. Then, in the coming months, they will be answering to charges in a North Carolina court of law. Prior to answering to these charges, they will each want to work with an experienced attorney who will review the evidence and the manner in which it was collected to ensure that each individual's rights are protected.

Source:, "Cops: Myrtle Beach bound teens had pot, cocaine, liquor, 50 liters of beer and $3,600", Mark Price, June 21, 2017

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Summer roadtrip to North Carolina beach leads to arrest | Messer Law Firm