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Charges of white collar crime are a threat to your freedom

If you are under investigation for any type of white collar crime, you may be unsure of what you should do or not cognizant of the serious nature of your current situation. White collar crimes are federal charges that can include various types of illegal behavior. If under investigation in North Carolina, facing allegations or already charged, you have no time to lose in protecting your interests.

White collar crimes are non-violent, and they almost always relate to the acquisition of money through some type of illegal means, such as bribery, forgery, theft, deception and more. You do, however, have the right to defend yourself, no matter what you presume about the case against you or the nature of the criminal charges you are currently facing.

Common types of white collar crimes

There are various types of white collar crimes. Each case is different, and some may involve an overlap of a few different types of white collar crimes. Some of the most common include: 

  • Tax fraud
  • Embezzlement
  • Forged checks
  • Employee theft
  • Money laundering
  • Identity theft
  • Election law violations
  • Corporate fraud
  • Securities and commodities fraud

These types of crimes may even seem benign because they do not involve violence or physical harm. It may even be tempting to overlook the serious nature of a conviction because no one got hurt. In reality, a conviction can bring life-altering penalties, some of which include prison, fines and much more.

The investigation against you

Investigations into potential white collar crime are lengthy and complex. Depending on the nature of the case, it can involve one or several federal agencies, such as the Internal Revenue Service or the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

As soon as you learn that there are allegations against you or that an investigation could happen, you would be wise to take quick action to learn how to protect your interests and shield yourself as much as possible from potential consequences.

Should you fight charges of white collar crime? 

Despite the grave nature of your situation, you still have rights. You have the right to legal representation at any point during your case, and you also have the right to fight for the best possible outcome of your case, no matter what kind of charges are against you.

When it comes to charges of white collar crime, there is much at stake. You have no time to lose in taking the steps necessary to protect your future and your personal freedom.

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Charges of white collar crime are a threat to your freedom | Messer Law Firm