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Parents giving kids alcohol may lead to underage drinking charges

Apparently, the problems involving youths and alcohol are not restricted to North Carolina. In fact, U.S. researchers are looking closely at a recent international study about the consequences of parents offering alcohol to their teens. While many parents may feel they are doing a good thing by providing a safe place for their children to drink, the research does not agree with this well-meaning philosophy.

Health officials in Australia published a report from information gathered after following nearly 2,000 young people for six years. The children were permitted to drink alcohol at home in varying degrees, from sips to full-blown parties. What researchers learned is that the amount of alcohol offered made little difference. Any children whose parents provided them with alcoholic beverages seemed to have a higher risk of problems related to alcohol use.

Such consequences include injury to their developing brains, motor vehicle accidents and legal issues that interfere with their college and work opportunities. Instead of removing the stigma from drinking, as many parents hope to do, supplying alcohol may actually encourage young people to misuse it. Since parents are by far the most influential element in a child's life, their encouragement of an illegal and dangerous activity like underage drinking may convince children their parents approve of other risky behavior.

As yet, no research is available to compare whether children whose parents discourage the use of alcohol have a more positive outcome. Nevertheless, parents of any child in North Carolina may be concerned if their children experience legal consequences from alcohol use. Underage drinking charges can bring years of struggle, and the assistance of an attorney may benefit families in these circumstances.

Source: USA Today, "Study: Parents who give their teenagers alcohol are inviting trouble", Karen Weintraub, Jan. 25, 2018

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Parents giving kids alcohol may lead to underage drinking charges | Messer Law Firm